To our customers and partners,
Between earthquakes and COVID-19, it is undoubtedly an "interesting" time. Most importantly, we hope that you and your families are staying healthy and safe. It is critical that we all take care of ourselves and each other as we navigate these uncertain waters. At Cirque, we are continuing to build and deliver amazing touch solutions, and we want to take a few moments to provide you with an update on our operations.
A few weeks back, we performed testing of our IT systems and rolled out a work from home program. As a result, we were ready to go when government-mandated social distancing was ordered. Everything continues to function well, and most Cirque staff are successfully working from home.
Key personnel such as production and shipping/receiving are still operating in the Cirque office to make sure that orders get out the door on time. Staff working in the office are practicing enhanced cleaning routines and alternative scheduling to minimize interpersonal contact.
And yes, we did have an earthquake in the Salt Lake Valley last week. Those that were in the office got a pretty good shake, but there was no damage or power loss, and things were quickly back to normal.
Now more than ever we need effective technologies to help enable teams to stay productive, and we at Cirque are committed to continuing to provide touch solutions that make mobile work possible. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any concerns you may have.
The Cirque Team